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This is a super cute game idea and it really fits the theme. It's a shame that there wasn't more gameplay because I would have definitely gotten into it but totally understandable since you were working on another game as well :) Love the idles hehe 

Glad you enjoyed the game. I am surprised how many people have expressed interest in more gameplay. Has made me start turning over the possibility of doing a post jam version with Carl Chicken being called by the developer due to his interest in finding a part in a better game, then, to his dismay, ending up back in that same cave, albeit, an improved cave with more gameplay and a shorter time as a plant. 

P.S. I got your jam link and left a rating and feedback on your game :)

For any Ludum Dare participants who found this through Itch and not the Ludum Dare site, here's the link to my rating page so you don't have to google.