A young hero on a quest to defeat the dark lord is feeling frustrated from his long complicated journey full of sidequests. The blacksmith he is leading to safety convinces him to take a moment to relax, despite the ticking clock...

This game is made for GoedWare Cutscene Jam and followed some very specific rules. One, it could not be more than 60 secs. Two, it could not have any interactive parts beyond some camera movement. Three, text had to advance automatically to show it was within the time limit, so this is basically a movie as opposed to an interactive game.

At this point, I have no plans of continuing the story in this game.


Fancy Border (And "Looking at Amulet" Panel)

Author: WeRideForCoffee


Edited and Extended 24x32 Character Pack

Author:  Svetlana Kushnariova

Edited by: diamonddmgirl


Free Volcano Platform Tileset

Author: LudicArts


Lava loop

Author: Blender Foundation

(Submitted by Lamoot)


Treasure Hunter

Author: TAD


We gotta get out of here!

Escape and go on to defeat the dark lord

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