Updates and Polish (Improve my Game Jam)

Finally uploaded some long over due updates, bug fixes and some minor polish and expansion. Thanks to Improve My Game Jam 37 for motivating me to finish them.

  • Cabin night no longer unlosable even if you did not collect any wood.
  • Cabin no longer softlocked so that you can only go in once.
  • Corrected an error that did not add a visible rope to your inventory and now you have to find it yourself instead of Aika yanking it out of the cot during an auto event.
  • Made text for inventory items white instead of the default blue of the background.
  • Fixed some dialogs that showed the wrong face image or no image or needed minor editing.
  • Removed that Aika had gone back on the boat to get her library book, because it did not add anything to the story and left a glaring plothole of her not burning the library book instead of freezing to death due to lack of wood.
  • Made the flintstones easier to see on the beach.
  • Improved the ending of finding the ranger station to be a tad less abrupt.
  • Added key in the pot to unlock the cabin door.

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